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Holy Word for Morning Revival (January 24 to 29, 2022)

Available on Amazon Kindle Platform or EPUB Platforms.

Crystallization-Study of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. Volume One. Week Two (repeat).

Title: Possessing the land of Canaan by defeating the Satanic forces.

Scripture reading (Recovery Version): Joshua 1:2, 6,11; 5:13-15; 6:1.

Hymns, #893. Lyrics: Watchman Nee. “Conflict today is fierce, the strength of Satan more”.

Study Questions:

  1. Share what you presently understand concerning the twofold significance of Canaan in typology.
  2. Why must we engage in spiritual warfare in order to possess the good land for the fulfillment of God’s purpose?
  3. In what way is the book of Joshua comparable to the book of Ephesians?
  4. What is the significance and importance of the Ark in Joshua 6?
  5. After this training, what do you intend to learn about overcoming Satan by praise?

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